Day #12
"The Exorcist"
The first time I watched this movie was when it was re-released(Restored Version) in theaters back in 2000 I figured this is the way I should experience this movie. Before that all I would hear about this movie was how great it is and how scary it was. This movie at the time was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen and experiencing it on the big screen was worth it.
This was one scene that caught me by surprise, I remember the whole audience in the theater react the same way I did, by jumping a bit of the seat.
I also thought the makeup was the best that I've ever seen in a movie and on a young actress. What did you think of this great classic and do you remember the first time you watched it?
24HR Rental $2
Honestly, I have never given this film a serious watch. The vomiting pea soup has always been a turn off. Guess I need to get my horror-ass in gear and sit and watch!