Day #16 "1408"
A film that I have in my top 5 favorite has to be 1408. This movie is based on a short story by Stephen King. The movie stars John Cusack who plays a writer who reviews supposedly haunted hotels and has him staying in various places, though his stay at The Dolphin Hotel is a whole different story. HA! pun intended....
This is another one of those movies where I get lost in the movie so much that it feels like I'm there.
Let me explain this one, I have an hour lunch at my job so sometimes I watch movies but by the time I get settled and situated to eat and watch I have at least 35 to 40min to watch a movie. So with all that I don't get to finish a movie in one day, so it stays in my head when I go back to work and its just a weird feeling. Get It? No! oh well.....
24hr Rental BluRay DVD
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